Cryptocurrencies: 874,673
Exchanges: 1,161
Market Cap: $2,564,972,524,146
24h Vol: $64,715,460,744
BTC Dominance: 52.99%

What is Kyberdyne (KBD)?

Deck building games (DBG) have been popular for a long time at this point. Naturally, advancements in blockchain technology have made it possible for deck building games to move to the blockchain. 

There are already some successful DBG on the blockchain. However, there is always room for more games if they can offer reasonable improvements. One DBG attempting to make a name for itself on the blockchain is Kyberdyne. It’s a DBG on the Binance Smart Chain being developed by an unnamed AAA game studio. 

Anyway, Kyberdyne is an interesting project because it has some things that look very good and it also has some problems with it. We will cover the good, the bad, and everything in between in this article. 

What is Kyberdyne?

So, Kyberdyne is a planned deck building game (DBG) on the Binance Smart Chain. The project is fairly new with the token launched in March 2022. Despite this, it has gained a fair amount of publicity on Twitter and Reddit with many people discussing the project. 

The planned game is a little different than most blockchain games because it will be a free to earn (F2E) game, which is different than many blockchain games (ie. Axie Infinity and Pegaxy) that require players to make a fairly sizable upfront investment to start earning money.

The gameplay mechanics of Kyberdyne are fairly straightforward. Players have cards (called Heroes) that can be turned into NFTs once they reach level 3. Unfortunately, the developers have provided very little information about how the game works other than it’s a deck building game with Rogue-like elements.  

It’s important to note that the game has not yet been released. The website makes it sound like the game has been released, but it has not yet been released. The expected release date was March 2022. However, we can find no evidence that the game is available at the moment. 

There is also a dual token component to the game. There are $KBD tokens and $KGOLD. $KBD is used for governance, staking, and exchange. $KGOLD is the in-game token used for in-game transactions, renting NFTs, and other in-game activities.

A AAA game studio is allegedly building Kyberdyne. And the team behind Kyberdyne allegedly has 15 years of game development experience developing games that include Assassin’s Creed 2, Dota 2, Dynasty Warriors, and Torchlight. 

Now, we use the word allegedly because the team is anonymous and has not named the AAA game studio behind the development of the game. 

That’s a little strange. AAA game studios generally want to attach their name to any game they develop and the same applies to game developers. It just gives them a lot more clout if the game becomes widely successful. There’s really no reason for a AAA studio or game developer to stay anonymous. 

Our Problems With Kyberdyne

Kyberdyne looks appealing when you first read about it. It’s a blockchain game developed by a AAA game studio and an experienced founder. However, just a little research shows that this project has a lot of problems and unanswered questions surrounding it. 

Our first problem is that Kyberdyne has not stated the AAA game studio tasked with building the game. We see literally no reason that they cannot state the studio working on the game. Simply stating the studio responsible for developing the game would likely bring a lot of attention to the game as AAA game studios have the ability to hype up their projects quite well. 

So, why is Kyberdyne not naming the AAA game studio developing the game?

Our next problem lies with the identity of the founder. The founder claims that the team has 15 years experience developing some fairly well-known games like Assassin’s Creed and Dota 2. If that’s true, then why is the founder reluctant to attach their real name and identity to the project. 

Sky Mavis (Axie Infinity) and Pegaxy both have fully doxxed executive teams and are fairly transparent with their identity. Why would a blockchain game founder want to remain anonymous when every successful blockchain game has a doxxed executive team?

Another problem we have with Kyberdyne is the project lacks a comprehensive whitepaper or litepaper. The whitepaper is only 7 pages and explains pretty much nothing about the project other than some basic token information and gameplay information. It does have one screenshot, but that does not mean anything.

The team should have a general outline of when they want to accomplish their goals and a list of milestones to achieve. They should also know how the game will work because they are developing it. Why not make this outline public in the form of a litepaper or whitepaper? 

We have yet another problem with the lack of information surrounding the game. There’s really no mention of how this game will work. We are talking about stuff like the name of the world, gameplay features, and a basic storyline for the game. 

Again, this is something that the development team should already have because they are putting that into the game. Why not make this information public? It would surely attract more investors and potential players if they have some information about the game. 

Is Kyberdyne a Scam?

We do not, as a rule, state whether a project is scam or not without direct evidence that the project has scammed someone. 

That said, we still make inferences off of the information (or lack thereof) that the developers have provided the public. 

Some of that information includes the following:

  • An anonymous founder and team with 15 years of game development experience.
    • Unverified, so this is basically meaningless. 
  • Game development is being performed by a AAA game studio. 
    • The team has not stated the name of the AAA game studio anywhere, so this is unverified.
  • A sparse whitepaper or litepaper that barely explains the gameplay or story. 
  • No mention anywhere of how the game will work other than very basic information (Rogue-like features, deck building game, etc.).
  • A website with terrible UX, which is unusual for a team with game development experience.

Basically, Kyberdyne does not look like a legitimate project. Of course, this inference could change if more information becomes available (ie. founder is doxxed and the AAA game studio is announced). 

However, we simply go off the information provided, which makes Kyberdyne look like every other scam blockchain game project on the Binance Smart Chain. 

Is Kyberdyne ($KBD) a Good Investment?

Our rule is that we do not invest in blockchain game projects from anonymous founders. There are a few instances where an anonymous founder is a borderline necessity (ie. privacy coins). 

A blockchain game is not something that requires an anonymous founder. In fact, a blockchain game project greatly benefits if it has a doxxed founder and executive team that can go on different podcasts to promote the game and attract investors to the project. 

Investors are far more likely to trust a project when it has a public founder. Of course, this does not mean the project will be a success, but it greatly decreases the chances of the project failing due to the founder disappearing with everyone’s money. 

Where to buy Kyberdyne ($KBD)?, PancakeSwap, and MEXC are the three most popular places to purchase $KBD. Again, this is a project that we do not really trust, so we do not really recommend investing in it. But it’s readily available on a few different exchanges.

Closing Words

This is a project that we really want to like. Unfortunately, it has a lot of problems that we simply cannot get over. As such, it’s one that we will avoid, but we still hope it succeeds because any success on the blockchain is good for the industry as a whole. 

What is Kyberdyne (KBD)?